Program Coordinator of Master of Engineering Science: Engagement and Ensuring Sustainability

I have been working as the program coordinator of Master of Engineering Science (M.Eng.Sci.) in UNSW Canberra since June 2019 to date. There, my main roles have been to deal with administrative tasks corresponding to the improvement of learning and teaching. My key demonstrative/documentary pieces of evidence are:

  • I used to actively engage with other colleagues, student administrative services and leadership groups, to maintain the sustainability of this program. I have been successfully handling all current and potential student's feedback/queries to improve the course further. While needed, I have been working as a mentor of potential PG students to guide them on 'what and how' this program will advocate for them in their real problems. 
  • One important task I have done was to investigate students’ numbers, their choices (i.e., selection of elective courses), their program level feedbacks, their demographics and traits to prove the necessity of this program. My thorough analysis and document guided the school regarding the profitability of this program, which helped them to better allocate resources in the 2021-2022 PG masters schedule. 
  • Also, my participation in ‘External Advisory Forums’, particularly during the years of 2019 to 2020 helped me to better design the program outlet for the broader teaching community. For example, adding more supportive discussions in the UNSW online page for this respective program to attract defence students.
  • I have been actively engaged in the Postgraduate Education Leadership Group (PELG) meeting and discussions (both operational and strategic) since 2019 to improve learning and teaching.  
  • I'm also coordinating two research units (ZEIT8298 and ZEIT8299) as the program coordinator. 
Report of M.Eng.Sci. to Prove its Sustainability