Review and improvement of course and/or learning activities

Scenario 3 (BGDB, Phase I Medicine) the learning activities

I have contributed to the Medicine program as a member of the Beginnings, Growth & Development B (BGDB, Phase I Medicine) design group. This includes a major review and improvement of the learning activities of Scenario 3 ‘Teenage Mental Health’ for the scenario group sessions 11-14 (2 hour ‘tutorial’ sessions) that I undertook in 2013. This involved use of my considerable skills in learning activity development rather than specific content expertise. “Thanks so much for your input … this scenario has really change for the good this year” email Rachel Thompson (Course Coordinator) 20/3/2013. “This is looking fantastic- I am very impressed with all the work and thoughtfulness that is gone into this program” email Claire Wakefield 26/3/2013.
