Textbook Consultant


My international leadership in molecular pharmacology education is evidenced by renowned theoretical pharmacologist and publisher of several textbooks and monographs Prof Terry Kenakin (University of North Carolina, USA) approaching me to act as a consultant for a textbook on Molecular Pharmacology/Receptor Theory suitable for undergraduate students. I was able to provide an undergraduate teaching perspective different from the research/industry experience of Prof Kenakin. Many of my suggestions were incorporated. “…By the way, the editors also like your idea of New Terminology at the front…and I do too so that’s another Finch-ism! ...” email T. Kenakin (10/2/11). ‘I also wish to thank Dr. Angela Finch…for valuable comments and guidance…’ Acknowledgments, Pharmacology in Drug Discovery: Understanding Drug Response T.P. Kenakin, Academic Press, 2012.


My expertise has also been sought as a reviewer of a proposal for a new textbook “General and Molecular Pharmacology” by publishers John Wiley and Sons. August 2012