Project that led to Work Integrated Learning initiative

In 2019, I led the project on "So, What happened to our Vision Science graduates?" the resulted in several limitation with our current undergraduate vision science program.

After reading the report our Head of the School commented that "I read this report with great interest and I was wondering if you would be happy for me to share this confidentially with...... who is doing some consultation about educational offerings across the Faculty of Medicine and Health.  I think it has some really important insights that she could consider.  She has really interesting ideas about offerings across the Faculty and the benefit of an external view." (sent by email 9/2/2021). The report is not shared as evidence due to confidential reasons. 

On the basis of this report the school’s initiated Work Integrated Learning (WIL) as an integral part of for vision science program. I am now being a active member of WIL working group at the school. Our Deputy Head of School commented in a supportive letter that "Recently, he [Vinod] has worked to implement substantial work integrated learning opportunities (WIL) for vision science students which has been very well received by students."