Recognition within the discipline

To be a good educator, I constantly update my disciplinary knowledge through various activities. 

  • I am an AHPRA registered Australian Optometry practitioner, which requires me to constantly update disciplinary knowledge to maintain my registration status by attending continued education programs. In 2021, I completed all the requirements to renew my registration by attending various CPD events throughout the year. This exercise does not only involve attending the CPD event but also writing a reflection for each activity attended.

         Indicative standard:  Sound knowledge of the disciplinary content and material



Evidence report from Optometry Australia, showing completion of the required CPD hours in 2020-21

Eventhough I am an Education Focussed academic, I continue to conduct disciplinary research in collaboration with other researchers within Australia and overseas. My research collaborations led to publications in peer-reviewed journals. 

         Indicative standard:  Sound knowledge of the disciplinary content and material


I am also a constantly sought after reviewer for the research work related to orthokeratology and corneal topography. Some reviews that I conducted are evident on Publons. 

         Indicative standard: ​​​​​​​ Sound knowledge of the disciplinary content and material


PDF, 0.09MB

I am the member of several professional bodies including:

  • American Academy of Optometry
  • British Contact Lens Association
  • member of International Association for Contact Lens Educators (IACLE)
  • Cornea and Contact Lens Society of Australia
  • Orthokeratology Society of Oceania.

I am constantly fed with new information in the field through various events conducted by these associations.

Indicative standard: Utilises current disciplinary research in curriculum and teaching activities


In October 2021, I have been invited by IACLE to present how my disciplinary research publication influenced teaching, in an international virtual conference attended by about 100 contact lens educators around the world.

My talk inspired several educators, and was rated 4.6/5 on the relevance of topic. One teaching academic from the City, University of London said "Hi Vinod, great presentation!!, which left me with lots of ideas for practical sessions".  Inspired and influenced by the videos I generated during the practical  classes at UNSW, the academic now requested copies of videos from me to incorporate in their teaching "I was wondering if you would be willing to share one or two videos from your presentation, specifically the specular reflection one and tearscope, and the ones with and without rewetting drops. I will try to reproduce these myself, but it is nice to know the standard I am working towards." (email: 01/11/2021)