TiP: Improve the comprehension of your online content

Not all of your students will have English as their first language and these students are inherently at a disadvantage. The speed of delivery, a lecturer’s accent, the use of jargon or the general complexity of words used present barriers to student comprehension. This may even be true for students who come from an English speaking background as well. There are two solutions: 1. providing

TiP: Stop recording dull lectures in your office and go wild

Let’s face it, recording a 50 min lecture in your office is exhausting for you and exhausting for your students watching the final product. The reality is many of your students probably won’t even manage to view the entire recording (see ‘TiPs: Achieving 100% engagement

TiP: Jumpstart your learning community through reflection and asynchronous peer-discussion

Online forums and discussion boards have a dismal reputation for poor student engagement. If these are used at all, it’s either by a small subset of students or as an administrative app for students to seek clarifications or guidance on assessment tasks. Instead, try combining the power of reflection and peer-engagement in an asynchronous forum activity that encourages your students to present