Teaching context and philosophy

Teaching context and philosophy

My teaching philosophy is largely grounded in a constructivist teaching approach, leading to real world capacity. I delight in taking the students on a journey where they set out with their pre-existent knowledge and skills, and I provide them with the tools and techniques to achieve augmentation of this knowledge via an infusion of newly acquired techniques and understanding. I have the joy of focusing largely on the clinical skills and simulation teaching space, whilst also delivering tutorials. I see my role in teaching as being evaluated by student knowledge, skill and capacity acquisition, as well as the student's demonstration of wisdom to understand context and application. Perhaps one of the most immediately rewarding part of this constructivist approach is seeing students dynamically applying newfound skills in the context of the UNSW high-fidelity simulation setting. This setting allows integration of knowledge and skills as well as time for a clinical supervision style/coaching debrief to correct misconceptions, reflect on performance and team dynamics, whilst simultaneously creating a catalyst for further learning.