Development of the Teaching Technology Toolkit

A wide variety of learning technologies were used across UNSW in the transition to blended learning. With the number of options available, it can be difficult to select educational technology that is best suited to desired learning outcomes. This toolkit was a pilot project idesigned by initially surveying staff with teaching responsibilities on their current practice and on what they needed to facilitate a blended approach to learning and teaching. 

A detailed summary of the survey results are available here: Developing the Blended Learning Toolkit. This survey informed the design of the toolkit.

This toolkit is designed to assist academic staff in aligning teaching strategy with technology integration.  The toolkit provides:

  • step-by-step decision tool for selecting the appropriate strategy and technology from your initial concept of an activity
  • a repository guide for evaluating different educational technology
  • a showcase of how SoMS academics are using the technologies for a variety of learning outcomes
  • directory of people willing to advise in the integration of technology for learning