• Design-1: Designs curricula, learning activities and resources to enable a range of learners to achieve course and program learning outcomes
  • Design-2: Engages students as partners in development of curricula, learning activities and resources
  • Design-3: Designs and sequences assessment tasks aligned with course and program learning outcomes
  • Design-4: Provides students with constructive, actionable feedback on their performance and analyses assessment results to inform teaching practice
Blended Learning

Blended Learning

I consider my greatest impact in teaching at UNSW thus far to be in designing a blended learning approach and iteratively implementing  this over the last few years within my discipline.  This approach integrates face-to-face and online teaching and assessment, and increases opportunities for application

Partnering with Students

Partnering with Students

Partnering to create resources: 

To encourage dialogue and application to the student’s future profession, I provide opportunities for teams to contribute to the course and their peer’s learning. Students peer teach, review, and develop resources for their cohort. This empowers students

Design and Implementation of Virtual Reality Learning Resources

Design and Implementation of Virtual Reality Learning Resources

I lead the development of virtual learning resources in anatomy to engage learners outside the lab and to support learning of students from diverse backgrounds.  I partnered with  the PVCESE Immersive Technologies team and group of student tutors to scale-up the initial 'proof of concept' prototype I designed.  This is an example of one of the co-developed resources created.

Development of the Teaching Technology Toolkit

Development of the Teaching Technology Toolkit

A wide variety of learning technologies were used across UNSW in the transition to blended learning. With the number of options available, it can be difficult to select educational technology that is best suited to desired learning outcomes. This toolkit was a pilot project idesigned by initially surveying staff with teaching responsibilities on their current practice and on what they needed

Supporting Student Wellbeing: The Care Factor: Foundations and practice of supporting student success and wellbeing

Supporting Student Wellbeing: The Care Factor: Foundations and practice of supporting student success and wellbeing

International research has identified the need for a radical shift in the way we teach and support students’ success and wellbeing in higher education settings. As educators, we are faced with the challenge to provide engaging and supportive learning environments that deliver positive, meaningful short-term and long-term outcomes for students. To facilitate these outcomes, the University needs

Phase I Medicine: Supporting student wellbeing through a student-centred supportive learning environment during remote delivery

Phase I Medicine: Supporting student wellbeing through a student-centred supportive learning environment during remote delivery

During the pandemic transition to online delivery, to overcome the challenge of remote learning and to support students during a highly stressful period, I embraced embedding self-determination theory (SDT) principles into the design of two remotely delivered courses in Phase I Medicine (AEB in 2020 and AEA in 2021).  In 2020, my focus was on building a

Integrate Virtual Reality using Complete Anatomy in Phase I Medicine AEA, 2021

Integrate Virtual Reality using Complete Anatomy in Phase I Medicine AEA, 2021

Integrating VR using Complete Anatomy and optimising its usefulness by promoting student advocacy

Complete Anatomy is platform of 3D Anatomy models. In 2021 TP4, M&H Faculty made a subscription of the Complete Anatomy (CA) platform available to the discipline of Anatomy.