• Design-1: Designs curricula, learning activities and resources to enable a range of learners to achieve course and program learning outcomes
  • Design-2: Engages students as partners in development of curricula, learning activities and resources
  • Design-3: Designs and sequences assessment tasks aligned with course and program learning outcomes
  • Design-4: Provides students with constructive, actionable feedback on their performance and analyses assessment results to inform teaching practice
Designing effective learning activities and resources to develop, then assess students’ clinical knowledge and skill

Designing effective learning activities and resources to develop, then assess students’ clinical knowledge and skill

Initially starting with UNSW in 2016 as a professional staff member, my role was split between organising external practicum placements for our final year students and supervising our students directly within one of those placements at UNSW's own 'The Lifestyle Clinic'. Initially when starting at the clinic, we had weekly meetings with the students where clinicians would stand at the