• Expertise-1: Continuously updates disciplinary knowledge
  • Expertise-2: Undertakes professional development in pedagogy and implements new strategies
  • Expertise-3: Improves teaching practice through reflection and feedback
  • Expertise-4: Engages in educational scholarship that informs own teaching practice and influences others
Graduate Certificate in University Learning and Teaching

Graduate Certificate in University Learning and Teaching

In 2019, I have completed the GCULT at UNSW. Consequently, I have implemented some new tools in my teaching practice.

Enhance teaching practice by reading educational literature, self-reflection, participation to conferences, and discussions with peers

Enhance teaching practice by reading educational literature, self-reflection, participation to conferences, and discussions with peers

I attend several seminars and conferences on tertiary education. I entertain collaborations in educational practice with Australian and international experts. I visit other institutions to learn about their teaching and learning practices and innovations.