• Design-1: Designs curricula, learning activities and resources to enable a range of learners to achieve course and program learning outcomes
  • Design-2: Engages students as partners in development of curricula, learning activities and resources
  • Design-3: Designs and sequences assessment tasks aligned with course and program learning outcomes
  • Design-4: Provides students with constructive, actionable feedback on their performance and analyses assessment results to inform teaching practice
Design of Engineering Industrial Training Program

Design of Engineering Industrial Training Program

Industrial Training is an essential Work Integrated Learning (WIL) component of all UNSW Engineering degree programs. Students have a better learning experience when they can secure quality placement, but they lack the skills and network that is required to obtain such a placement

Design of Stage 2 Engineering Science Course

Design of Stage 2 Engineering Science Course

I first taught CEIC2001 Fluid and Particle Mechanics, a Level 2 engineering science course, in 1999 as a postgraduate teaching assistant. My doctoral research was on the computational modelling of fluid and particle interactions, and I wanted to engage engineering

Design of Stage 2 Engineering Design Course

Design of Stage 2 Engineering Design Course

DESN2000 Engineering Design and Professional Practice is a second-year engineering design course that is meticulously crafted to enhance the proficiency, competencies, characteristics, and aptitudes required to produce engineering solutions through the application of design thinking methodologies. While the majority of courses within the UNSW Chemical Engineering program