• Expertise-1: Continuously updates disciplinary knowledge
  • Expertise-2: Undertakes professional development in pedagogy and implements new strategies
  • Expertise-3: Improves teaching practice through reflection and feedback
  • Expertise-4: Engages in educational scholarship that informs own teaching practice and influences others


  1. Skinner, I., Lim, M., Chen, S. Henderson, R. and Vigentini, L. (2020). Exploring Equity, Diversity and Inclusion with Engineering Students. Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE), 6-9 December 2020, Sydney, Australia.
  2. Lim,


  1. Prescott, S.W., Lim, M., Spicer, P. (2024). Strategies for Working with AI Teaching Assistants, European Federation of Chemical Engineering Spotlight talks on Digitalisation in Chemical Engineering Education, Online, March 2024.
  2. Lim, M. (2024).
Workshop and Roundtables
Viva Engage