  • Design-1: Designs curricula, learning activities and resources to enable a range of learners to achieve course and program learning outcomes

Narrative based practical classes

As co-convener to PATH3206, a Cancer pathology course for Medical Science students with 70-100 enrolments per year, I led the revamping of its content in 2017 to align with novel concepts in medical oncology. The course is taught with lectures, tutorials and practical classes. Student feedback on the practical classes of the previous version of the course was that they are too focussed on

Interactive online module on liver pathology using immersive technologies

In Medicine teaching, I have seen students struggle with simple concepts probably because the method of teaching does not align with the students learning style. Not all students learn best by listening to teachers talk in the class. This is the key message highlighted in my most cited medical education research article published in BMC

Online adaptive tutorials for medical students and junior doctors

Given my experience as a clinician, researcher and an educator, I am skilled in converting complex clinical/research information into an interactive, engaging teaching session. In UNSW, I was part of a team that developed online teaching modules built on a smartsparrow platform on interpreting laboratory tests for medical students, interns and junior doctors. I liaised with hospital clinicians