• Expertise-1: Continuously updates disciplinary knowledge
  • Expertise-2: Undertakes professional development in pedagogy and implements new strategies
  • Expertise-3: Improves teaching practice through reflection and feedback
  • Expertise-4: Engages in educational scholarship that informs own teaching practice and influences others
Engagement and technology in an online space

Engagement and technology in an online space

A challenge we had in the redesign of CLIM1001 - Introduction to Climate Change was how to engage large numbers of students with complex, interdisciplinary (e.g., chemistry, physics, psychology, law, computing) concepts in an online space. Our backward design approach helped us to realise that while the concepts were complex, because this was a general education course, our main aim

Disciplinary knowledge and Professional Development

Disciplinary knowledge and Professional Development

Discipline Specific

I am a lecturer in the Climate Change Research Centre, an associate investigator with the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes (CLEX) and a member of NASA/ESA's Ocean Surface Topography Science Team. I maintain my disciplinary knowledge through engagement and interaction with my scientific community both internal to UNSW,

Educational scholarship

Educational scholarship

I regularly engage in educational scholarship of various forms.


  • Research

I co-lead a novel and award winning citizen science program which is breaking silos between research and education and an example of the frontiers of  STEM engagement and data collection for research. Schools Weather and Air Quality (

Delivery of Professional Development

Delivery of Professional Development

I create opportunities and deliver a range of educational professional development to others. Below are a few examples.  

I was the academic lead on the first Australian run TROPICSU Climate Change Lesson Development Workshop funded by International Science Council (ICS, previously ICSU), International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS), International Union

Carbonator: An online climate model for learning and teaching

Carbonator: An online climate model for learning and teaching

I developed an online toy climate model (www.carbonator.org) as a teaching tool with colleague Dr. Alex Sen Gupta to explore the climate implications of various scenarios ranging from the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change's scenario through to user defined scenarios (e.g., geoengineering). Carbonator