Convenes 1st year Medicine Course and teaches into 7 others

My teaching rationale aligns with social constructivist learning theory, which suggests that students learn most effectively by relating new concepts to existing knowledge. I subscribe to a

Developed and implemented a series of wellbeing activities for students

Being a small campus, we are used to having a high level of connectedness with our students - we don't need to make a specific effort to learn their names, we get to know them well in meeting them at the local cafe, the local pool or the beach. Our student-centered

Dialogue with students

Even though I receive such consistently high ratings of student satisfaction, I constantly seek to improve my teaching by engaging deeply with student feedback on my teaching. One example of this come from myExperience reports  where I noted some important feedback about my student interactions "… Linda can improve by ensuring that some students don't dominate ALL

Let them Eat cake

Dialogue does not just happen. In a competitive environment such as Medicine, students must feel safe to share issues. My openness to learning from colleagues from around the world allowed me to implement one recipe for success, a practice shared at a 2019 conference whereby each staff member and student take their turn, individually or in small groups, to bake a cake for the

Inspired Learning Through Inspired Teaching

My teaching practice is wide-ranging in terms of the disciplines and subjects I teach. Leading a small campus with a small staff means that I am necessarily versatile, willingly teaching outside my core subject areas, even outside my comfort zones, as appropriate. I teach aspects of all 8 P1 courses including facilitating small group sessions (scenario-based teaching),

Academic Lead for Peer Assisted Study Support (PASS) group 2021/22

PASS offers three free out-of-class study sessions per term to all Phase 1 medicine students. The sessions are facilitated by student leaders who have successfully completed phase 1 and are in later years of their study. The program is supported by the student academic lead of MedSoc.

PASS aligns well with my committed to increasing student support, and

Implemented Rural Study Support Program

I have built a supportive learning community, including recruiting senior students to tutor P1 students I have identified as struggling with their academic work. Previously, tutoring was offered to rural P1 students who failed a course, but in 2021 I innovated this program, acting proactively to prevent exam failure. The first trial saw a 75% reduction in

Pastoral Care of Students

In the RCS we believe that pastoral care has an inclusive function inextricably linked with teaching and learning, and we work hard to ensure that our students develop positive attitudes and good personal and social relationships with each other, and with our staff.  In the RCS we focus on the whole student and involve all members of the RCS community as providers of