• Design-1: Designs curricula, learning activities and resources to enable a range of learners to achieve course and program learning outcomes
  • Design-2: Engages students as partners in development of curricula, learning activities and resources
  • Design-3: Designs and sequences assessment tasks aligned with course and program learning outcomes
  • Design-4: Provides students with constructive, actionable feedback on their performance and analyses assessment results to inform teaching practice
Experience in the development of learning resources

Experience in the development of learning resources

At Chitwan Medical College (CMC), Nepal, where I worked for five years as a full-time university lecturer, we designed and started a problem-based learning approach for medical students (MBBS) to incorporate cardiovascular, renal, and endocrine physiology course content. Likewise, we developed a physiology practical manual for various undergraduate programs at CMC (a reference letter from HoD

Developing online Learning Resources

Developing online Learning Resources

In addition to my experience in developing material for live class delivery such as problem-based learning, at UNSW I have had the opportunity to use and develop my skills by assisting in the Smart Sparrow migration project where I was responsible for adapting several lessons from Smart Sparrow to be able to be delivered via Moodle Quiz. This gave me an appreciation of the power of these