• Design-1: Designs curricula, learning activities and resources to enable a range of learners to achieve course and program learning outcomes
  • Design-2: Engages students as partners in development of curricula, learning activities and resources
  • Design-3: Designs and sequences assessment tasks aligned with course and program learning outcomes
  • Design-4: Provides students with constructive, actionable feedback on their performance and analyses assessment results to inform teaching practice
Constantly striving for improvement

Constantly striving for improvement

Steven Parker (Education Technologist, Faculty of Science, UNSW) observed of me "how systematic and methodical he [Clark] is when designing his courses. He utilises the ‘Backwards Design’, approach to ensure his assessments and delivery methods align to his learning outcomes."

Alex Banningen (Manager, Educational Innovation, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW)

Constantly Redesigning Courses, Assessments and Learning Outcomes

Constantly Redesigning Courses, Assessments and Learning Outcomes

I am constantly revisiting course design, assessments and learning outcomes - with revisions to all of these dimensions each year from when I started in 2018 to 2019 and 2020. I also applied for and was granted digital uplift of two course in 2018-2019 from the PVCE and developed new lightboard videos and converted all the teaching material for delivery through Microsoft Teams and OneNote. The

I've contributed to revising BSc major in Earth Science, a 1st year geology course and BEng(Hons) in Mining Engineering

I've contributed to revising BSc major in Earth Science, a 1st year geology course and BEng(Hons) in Mining Engineering

I was invited to contribute to the revision of the BSc major in Earth Science by colleagues from the Science Faculty which in turn led to the revision of the 1st year geology course GEOS1111, including aspects from my disciplinary expertise in geodynamics. I have also worked to establish the geoscience requirements of the BEng (Hons) in Mining Engineering program and participated in the

Streamlined the Research Thesis for the BEng (Hons) and postgraduate coursework degrees

Streamlined the Research Thesis for the BEng (Hons) and postgraduate coursework degrees

I've participated in the Research Thesis working group, including the revision for 3+ as well as developing a fully online course submission of reflection videos, research presentations, progress reports and thesis with rubrics and exemplars for my school. The thesis deliveries were upgraded to be digitally delivered by students in 2018. During the COVID-19 crisis, I provided support to other